Running seasonal promotions? Engage visitors with Artificial Intelligence
Convert Visitors With A Call-To-Action

Target By Location

Engage & target prospects based on their location. Our software can narrow down to the smallest city, county or an entire city, state & country. 

Target By Number of Visits

Engage & target your prospects based on the number of visits. If they revisiting again, they are likely to take action the 2nd or 3rd time round.

Show Targeted Content

With location targeting, you can choose to serve your unique visitors with targeted promotions. 

Choose Any Call-To-Action

Convert prospects with a call-to-action such as making a reservation, online purchase or a click-to-call via your mobile website. 

Select A Trigger

Target visitors nearby, first time visitor, returning visitor and etc. 

Select Targeted Content

Choose relevant promotional content to serve based on their location. You can include an upcoming event or promotion.

Select A Call-To-Action

Prompt visitors to provide a make a reservation, provide a lead, click to send an email or click-to-call a phone number via your mobile website.  

Gain Qualified Leads

Monetize and increase conversions with our ready made campaigns. 
Target Visitors By Conditions And More

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